English Courses by Ms. Glenn

Welcome Back to the Formal Normal

Hey High School Scholars,

Last January I wrote to you that I thought we would get to breathe the same classroom air together soon, now I hope without masks. But we all know how short the June/July break seems to be, and normal life can ‘change on a dime’ so in the meantime… here’s something to think about:

 When you feel like you’re getting pushed around by the world, this little quote might help keep things in perspective during the coming school year.

           ”We either make ourselves miserable or make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.”     – Carlos Castaneda

 I look forward to seeing your cute faces at our first class meeting. Keep in mind the study skills stuff you were using to be successful at Distance Learning are pretty much the same you need for face to face learning; you still gotta be a ‘self-starter’ -that means even on days that you think you are free to hang and do nothing for class, you have to look to the syllabus and your own class notes for our next meeting, the next assignment due and say to yourself “Am I prepared? Have I read the stuff? Did I do the work? Can I answer the questions in class Ms. Glenn will probably ask us?” Because we are smarter this semester than last- (you should always be able to say that by the way), there will be a few more expectations that will be attached to your grade every year.

 It is always hard to get back into school after sleeping in, staying up, doing pretty much what you want and when. So take some pride in the fact that during the Distance Learning months of last year you guys did a great job, and now you are an experience LCS student in various learning modes and you know what it takes to get the “A”.  As I’ve probably said 40 times, as a High School student you are now in control of your education as never before and college is saying that’s good cuz you’re gonna need to remember; no one can learn for you, and when you need help, ask –  you have people. Do the work or don’t, – either way the misery or strength belongs to you.

We can do this.-mg

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(please read)

for Parents

William Shakespeare

“This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow,
as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man 

for Students

William Shakespeare

“All the world’s a stage,
and all the men and women merely players;
they have their exits and their entrances;
and one man in his time plays many parts.”  

-As You Like It II, 7

Syllabi (plural of Syllabus)

Spring 2022

English I World Literature- (Freshman)
English II World Literature- (Sophomore)
American Literature – (Junior)
British Literature – (Senior)
Pima Community College Freshman English WRT102 – (College Credit)

What’s the real deal about High School?

Research Paper

Research Paper Check List

Research Paper Help: Websites

William Shakespeare

“Ignorance is the curse of God,

Knowledge is the wing

wherewith we fly to heaven.”

-Henry VI,7

William ShakespeareWilliam Shakespeare “We know what we are, but not what we may be.”
-Hamlet IV,5

“ If I lose mine honour I lose myself”

-Antony and Cleopatra III,4

What is the deal?

You’ve been in school for a while now, years and countless hours sittin’ there in your little desk absorbing facts and figures. You’re a pretty smart little cookie.

So why is it soo flippin’ tough each semester?


What’s the deal here anyway? What’s the big secret nobody has told you about? Well, here it is kid- the real skinny on success in school. It’s —(taaada drum roll please)— learn how to learn. Yea, I know that sounds weird but it’s true. You choose from the few examples given to you by parents, teachers and friends how you want to learn. Not every one can memorize the book, or read the stuff and really “get it”. There are so many ways to learn.


You are an experienced student, you have had years of this stuff, and only you know what works or doesn’t work for you. This is your education nobody can do for you and nobody can take it away from you once you have learned it.


So you choose how you want to learn and if you need help – ask, that’s why teachers go to school all those years, take all those tests so we can hang out with you and share some of the secrets of learning. It’s a great feeling to crack the code and find out nothing is impossible, nothing is out of your reach, and you can do anything! Now is the time to start- let’s learn together and go beyond…(you know the rest)

Have a great year.

-Ms. Glenn

Shakespeare Quotes and References